Rabu, 29 Mei 2013

Windows Movie Maker 2012

Windows Movie Maker adalah software bawaan dari Windows. Berfungsi untuk mengedit video. Namun software ini tidak muncul di keluaran Windows 7 dan Windows 8. Terakhir disertakan adalah pada Windows XP. Movie Maker 2012 menyediakan timeline dimana kamu dapat menaruh secara bersamaan, foto, video dan musik. Menambah Special Efek menjadi salah satu keunggulan software essensial ini.

Screenshoot :

Download Here

Jumat, 17 Mei 2013

Download ACDSee Video Converter Pro 3.5.41 Full

ACDSee tidak hanya sebagai pengedit foto dan preview. Namun juga sebagai Video Converter yang terbilang handal dan lengkap. Seperti seri ACDSee Pro yang skinnya hitam, ACDSee Video Converter ini juga menggunakan skin yang sama, hitam.

Screenshoot :

ACDSee Video Converter Pro Features:
- Convert between all the popular video and audio formats
- Batch convert videos to different formats in one go
- Convert to pre-defined output profiles for iPhone, Samsung Galaxy, iPad, PSP, PS3, Xbox 360
- Extract audio from videos
- Upload to YouTube
- Post to Facebook and Twitter
- Customize output profiles, including frame size, video bitrate, and audio bitrate
- Crop the edges of the input video to make full use of the output device’s screen
- Find videos quickly with thumbnail previews
- Burn DVDs
- Rip DRM-free and personal DVDs
- Preview and play videos in the Pro Tool Pane
- Adjust video volume
- Save JPG or BMP images from video frames
- Trim videos to extract just the highlights

Download Here

Minggu, 12 Mei 2013

Norton Power Eraser

Baru kemarin saya mendapat serangan virus yang menyebalkan. Membuat ane pusing. Tapi akhirnya teratasi dengan software ini. Virus ini datang dari link yang dikirim teman anda secara otomatis. Jika di klik, maka PC anda akan terinfeksi. Nah saya menemukan cara mengatasinya dengan software andalan ini. SMADAV memang dapat membasminya, namun akan kembali lagi. Software ini mencabut sampai ke akar.

Screenshoot :

Virus yang menyerang, tidak bisa dihapus dgn SMADAV

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Jumat, 10 Mei 2013

Smadav 9.3 Pro With Key Ownmaker

Smadav adalah salah satu antivirus lokal kenamaan Indonesia. Smadav dapat mengimbangi kekuarangan dari antivirus luar, lebih tepatnya saling melengkapi. Dan tidak pernah "Crash" dengan antivirus lain. Ya, kali ini telah merelease seri ke 9.3

Screenshoot :

What's new?
Smadav 2013 Rev. 9.3 : Penambahan database 143 virus baru, perubahan metode update dan ketentuan upgrade smadav pro, dsb.

Apa kelebihan Smadav Pro dibandingkan Smadav Free?

Smadav Pro mempunyai banyak fitur tambahan yang tidak ada di Smadav Free, berikut ini adalah fitur-fitur tambahan yang akan Anda dapatkan pada Smadav Pro : Update Otomatis Online, Scanning Lebih Cepat, Exception List, Maximize/Resize, Mengganti Warna Tema, Password Admin, dan Izin Penggunaan Profit. Anda harus menjadi member untuk mendapatkan Smadav Pro. Catatan : Smadav Free & Pro mempunyai kemampuan deteksi yang sama. Bedanya hanya pada fitur auto-update dan fitur tambahan lainnya. 

Selasa, 07 Mei 2013

Ocster Backup Pro 7 Full Version

Ocster adalah software yang berguna untuk melakukan pem-backup-an secara mudah dan cepat. Software ini sangat cocok bagi yang selalu gonta-ganti OS. Cara penggunaannya tak rumit. Seluruh file yang anda back up akan dijadikan satu file. Dan jika mengembalikannya gunakan Ocster ini lagi.

Screenshoot :


Saat proses pembackupan

  • Fully Automatic: Creates fully automatic backups of your data
  • Easy to use
  • Fast backup speed
  • Includes alternative backup format: 1 : 1 File Copy - simple mirroring of files to other media
  • Internet Explorer bookmarks
  • Mozilla Firefox: Backs up bookmarks, settings and add-ons
  • Mozilla Thunderbird: Backup emails, calenders, settings and add-ons
  • Windows contacts: Backup the Windows Contacts folder.
  • "New Backup-Rules" More choice with extended filtering capabilities
  • Versioning: Easily access and restore different older versions of your files.
  • Automatic Pausing: Backups are done in the background and are automatically paused to prevent them from slowing down other programs. Various system characteristics are monitored, e.g. CPU usage, I/O usage, fullscreen applications, etc.
  • Outlook/Thunderbird Support: Back up your Microsoft Outlook/Thunderbird emails and calendars with a single mouse click.
  • Stop & Resume: Backups can be stopped and resumed. This is handy when the computer needs to be shut down, for example.
  • Backup Reports: Detailed backup reports can be generated each time the backup is updated. The contents of the reports can be configured.
  • Backup Report Emails: Backup reports can be automatically sent to an email address. That way you can be up-to-date on the state of your backups even when you are on a business trip or if the computer is simply a server in your attic.
  • Network support: Files and folders on network drives can also be backed up. The backup data can also be stored on network drives if that is desired.
  • Encryption: Backups are strongly encrypted and protected with a user password. The encryption algorithm can be configured, if that is desired.
  • Compression: Backups are compressed intelligently to save space. Different compression types are available: from fast ones with moderate compression to slower ones with excellent compression.
  • Scheduled: Backups can be started either automatically at scheduled times or manually by clicking a button.
  • Storage Types: Backups can be stored on hard disk, USB sticks, network drives and Ocster Secure Storage.
  • Supports Ocster Secure Storage:
  • Stores the files in professional data centers
  • Much safer than using hard disks or USB sticks
  • The backups are protected against fire, water damage, lightning, theft, hurricanes, ...
  • Multiple copies are kept in different locations
  • The data is transmitted to the data centers via a highly secured internet channel
  • Available for a small subscription fee.
  • Incremental backup: after an initial full backup only the changes to the previous state are stored. This saves space and reduces transfer times.
  • Open File Support: Files and folders that are in use can be backed up as well.
  • Hard Link and Symbolic Link Support: Hard links and symbolic links can be backed up and are properly restored as hard links and symbolic links.
  • Special Files: Compressed, encrypted and sparse files can also be backed up.
  • Encryption Algorithms: Backup can be encrypted the following algithms: AES 256 Bit, AES 128 Bit, BlowFish, Cast-128
  • Compression Algorithms: The software supports the following compression types: ZLib, LZMA Quick, LZMA Normal, LZMA Best
  • Small File Optimization: Through smart uses of compression the software can achieve high compression rates, even with many small files.

Cut The Rope for PC

Cut The Rope awalnya adalah game yang hanya beroprasi di OS Android. Namun seperti halnya Angry Birds, pabrikan ini akhirnya merelease Cut The Rope for PC-nya agar yang tidak mempunyai android dapat merasakannya PC.

Screenshoot :

Download Here

Jumat, 03 Mei 2013

Dr.Web CureIt!®

Dr. Web merupakan antivirus asing dengan kemampuan yang tidak bisa diremehkan sama sekali. Memang tampilannya kelihatan rimih alias tidak kuat, namun Dr. Web sudah berkecimpung di dunia pervirusan hampir 20 tahun. Jadi jangan meremehkannya. Anvir ini dapat compatible di Windows 8 dan OS Mac.

What's new in version 8

  • A new scanning subsystem that can scan computer disks in a multithreaded mode to fully benefit from multi-core processors.
  • Significant increase in the scanning speed.
  • Greatly enhanced stability of the program virtually eliminates the possibility of BSOD ("blue screen of death") during the scanning.
  • Completely redesigned user interface.
  • Rootkit search subsystem.
  • Advanced custom scan features that allow to scan a computer memory, boot sectors, startup objects, etc.
  • An option to block a network connection during the scanning.
  • An option to shut down an operating system as soon as the scanning is complete.
  • Scanning a PC BIOS for "bioskits" — malicious programs infecting a PC BIOS.
  • Native quarantine manager.
  • Block low-level file operations.
  • Supported Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012.

Rabu, 01 Mei 2013

Save2pc Ultimate 5.31 Build 1441 Full

Yap, Software ini adalah software andalan untuk mendownload video diberbagai situs, salah satunya Youtube. Penggunaan dari software ini sangat mudah, anda tinggal COPAS url yang ada saat anda menstreaming video di situs.

Screenshoot :

Masukkan Serial

Copy URL seperti diatas

Paste-kan di "Link:", lalu klik "Get Video".
Tunggu beberapa saat hingga muncul jendela baru (ditengah).
Klik "Download"

Tunggu hingga selesai

Download Here

Face Off Max Full Version

Face Off Max adalah software untuk mereplace muka anda di muka/foto orang lain dengan mudah bin cepat. Software ini cocok untuk membuat orang lain yang melihat editan foto anda kagum atau bahkan tertawa lepas. Penggunaannya yang mudah menjadi salah satu keunggulannya.

Screenshoot :

Highlights :
- Create funniest photos with built-in and updated templates or your own photos;
- Share with your friends: spread your fun;
- Easy interface and using guide: simple process leads to amazing results;
- Text adding: speak the fun out.

Cara Install :
1. Install dan tutup programnya, serta pastikan komputer anda tidak terhubung ke internet.
2. Salin Patch.exe ke folder penginstallan (C:\Program Files\FaceOffMax). Lalu jalankan Patch.
3. Jalankan Face Off Max, klik Help>Enter SN. Masukkan serial number terserah anda.
4. Klik Manual.
5. Jalankan Keygen.exe. Salin kode Machine Code ke kolom Code. Kemudian klik Generate.
6. Salin kode Unlock Code ke Unlock.

WinRAR 5.00 Beta 1 Full Keygen

Winrar merupakan salah satu software paling terkenal dan yang paling pokok harus ada di komputer anda. Tanpa software ini File Rar/Zip tidak akan bisa dibuka. File yang bisa dibilang mini ini telah sampai pada seri ke 5 beta 1. Dengan keunggulan

  • Full support for RAR and ZIP archives
  • Use the original high-performance data compression algorithm
  • Having a graphical environment that supports drag and drop (drag & drop)
  • Ability to use the command line interface
  • Managing the archives of other formats (CAB, ARJ, LZH, TAR, GZ, TAR.GZ, BZ2, TAR.BZ2, ACE, UUE, JAR, ISO, 7Z, Z)
  • Support for the method of continuous backup for better compression
  • Support of multivolume archives
  • Create self-extracting (SFX) conventional and multivolume archives with a standard or optional SFX modules
  • Ability to recover physically damaged archives The ability to create and use of recovery volumes, allowing to reconstruct missing parts of multivolume archives.
  • Support for Unicode encoding in filenames
  • Additional functions (data encryption and file names in the archive, add comments archival, management protocol error)
  • The use of third-party registration interface in the form of individual topics
Screenshoot :

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