Kamis, 08 Maret 2012

3 Sidebar Gadget Windows 7 Most Important According PanjiApps

    Widgets are one of the most important element in the operating system Windows 7. This is because the function is so great and helpful. Lots of widgets Windows 7 that circulated on the Internet, but in my opinion, there are only about 5. Coupled with the native widgets of Windows

   The way the install very easy, you just double-click the Install command screen then appears Install and Don't Install.

1. CPU 3G.5
     This widget is the same as the CPU meter's original windows, but only its function. His appearance was only a speedometer. But the movement really jarummnya dynamic because it's so smooth, if sometimes a little choked's Windows.

Download Link

2.  All CPU Meter V3.5
     Is a widget that works to monitor the processor activity, but in the form of figures and charts are always changing according to the current process on the computer. Tab consists of Ram, and Core 1 through 4.
Download Link
3. Control System With Clock 
    widget is a shortcut to command a single tap Turn Of, Stand By, Hibernate, Log Off, and Restart. This widget is equipped with a clock on it and there is a padlock image area. Padlock is useful if you click on will appear and disappear like a protective glass so if you accidentally click will run it. This widget can you change the color because the available range of colors that might best fit with the theme you are wearing.

With Padlock
Without Padlock
Download Link

in fact there are many more, but all lost when my computer virus attack

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